Work-Life Balance and the Future of Work for Technology Workers
OCAD University, 2021
Category - Health and Wellbeing
Team - Shreya Chopra, Puja Prakash, Iris Elliot, Ng
My Role - Systems Thinking, Foresight, Narrative building, Persona creation, Map design, Journey Mapping, Causal Layered Analysis, Causal Loop Diagrams, Socioecological model, Horizon Scanning, Service Design, Report Writing, Video Editing and Presentation.
Tools - Miro, Figma, Google Docs
Project overview - A system map, report and service brief, where we looked at the future of work focusing specifically on work-life balance in technology-related fields.
Industry focus - This industry of focus has employees who do a lot of on-screen work and who, during the pandemic, have been able to continue this work in remote work settings in their homes.
Intended audience - The system map we created has the intended audience of employers and decision-makers of companies as they navigate creating the new normal of the future of work.
Deliverables - The project resulted in a system map, report, and service brief.
Purpose - These deliverables were created to help employers and decision-makers of companies understand how they can support work-life balance in their employees.
Synthesis map - The resulting map shows leverage points where services could be added to help support employee work-life balance.
Why it matters - The system map also outlines why moving towards supporting work-life balance in employees matters to the company.
Synthesis Map Walkthrough (Video Presentation)
Here is a short video presentation going over the layout and elements of the Synthesis map. This was presented for the 10th Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium at TU Delft Netherlands.
How to read the map:
- The left section of the system map situates the problem and provides context for key actors involved in the problem space.
- The middle section of the map explores how the problem of work-life balance unfolds for two employees with varying needs and support systems.
- The future of work-life balance is explored from an organizational perspective in the middle section using the three horizons framework.
- The right section of the map focuses on the intervention space, where a range of possible interventions for companies to consider has been explained.
- Three interventions are explored in detail in the right section.
- It is recommended to refer back to the journey map to see how these interventions, when implemented, can improve the everyday experience and journeys of both the presented personas.